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Monday of the Second Week of Lent

Submitted by admin on February 26, 2024

Just six days prior to this glorious event of the Transfiguration, Jesus spoke for the first time to His disciples about His pending crucifixion and death. He taught them that “the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and rise after three days” (Mark 8:31). Recall that Peter had a difficult time accepting this teaching.

09:00 EAT  -  Desmond Tutu Conference Centre (DTCC), Westlands, Nairobi-Kenya
The scale and magnitude of femicide are alarming. There is not a single day that we do not hear of reports of femicide. There is no safe place for women and girls, not even at home. Women and girls are targeted when they go to the market, to social joints, in schools, in the streets, and workplaces. When a woman, or indeed, any other person is a victim, they expect empathy and justice and not blame, shame, and stigma meant to further re-traumatize and stifle their voices into silence. Femicide tragically robs a girl or woman of life. In addition to the finality of this cruel and intentional act, many girls and women experience multiple acts of violence, degradation, psychological and physical isolation, fear, and terror in the hours, months, or years before they are killed. Their experience is one of profound suffering; then they are forever silenced and forever lost. The suffering does not end with the femicide of an individual woman or girl. There is a need to draw the pertinent lessons so that stakeholders can optimize opportunities, mitigate risks, and enable the societies to coexist harmoniously. In this context, the roundtable will provide an opportunity for stakeholders within the faith network to exchange experiences, lessons learned, and good practices, and to discuss challenges faced in curbing all forms of GBV including femicide. The primary objectives of this Interfaith roundtable dialogue are as follows:      (a) To reflect on the state of Femicide and other forms of GBV in Kenya and their impact on the lives of women and men, boys and girls in the society      (b) To discuss the GBV legislative frameworks in place and their enforcement operationalization      (c) To issue a Statement on the state of femicide and other forms of GBV in Kenya      (d) To strengthen collaboration among religious leaders and other stakeholders in addressing femicide and other forms of GBV
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