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The All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) was conceived at an All Africa Church Conference held in Ibadan, Nigeria in 1958. This conference brought together representatives of church bodies from 25 African countries. It was the most representative gathering of African Christians that had ever met together and it was during this gathering that the decision to create a regional ecumenical organization was taken. The conference appointed Provisional and Continuation Committees whose work led to the birth of the AACC at its first General Assembly on 20 April 1963, in Kampala, Uganda. Since then, the General Assembly, comprising of representatives of member churches has remained the highest policy and decision making body of the AACC and it meets every five years. The theme of the Kampala assembly was “Freedom and Unity in Christ.”

The theme of unity in Christ was crucial, since African Christians were severely divided by denominationalism due to their missionary history. The spirit of the world at this time was towards ecumenism, seeking for visible unity of the different churches. The AACC foundational programs have been theology, mission and evangelism, ecumenical growth and interfaith relations. The fellowship is engaged in a thorough process of reconfiguring ecumenical relationships and cooperation in the continent by integrating the churches, national councils, sub-regional fellowships and the continental body itself into a coherent and transformative network.

On the other hand, on the issue of freedom, AACC’s first General Assembly (GA) addressed the colonial situation in the spirit of nationalism and independence that permeated the political scene of the continent atthe time. The delegates identified themselves with the aspirations of the African people towards the development of dignity and a maturepersonality in Christ, and urged churches to wholeheartedly participate in building and uniting the African nation. Since its foundation, the AACC has accompanied the churches in their engagement in the decolonization and nation-building processes. It played a significant role in dismantling apartheid in Southern Africa and has continued to stand with the churches in not only addressing relevant issues that confront the continent but also providing a platform of collective voices and actions. Core issues on its public engagement agenda include justice and human dignity, unity, peace and security, health and wholeness, Pan-Africanism and international relations.

Some of AACC's Eminent persons for Peace in Africa heading to the office of  President of the DRC National Assembly

AACC General Committee Meeting in May 2023

There have been eleven General Assemblies in the history of AACC, each happening in a specific African country and on a particular theme. Th Assembly themes are prayerfully derived from scripture and manifesting the effective prophetic witness of the church in the continent and globally.

The first and Inaugural General Assembly took place in Kamala (Uganda) 1963 on the theme, Freedom and Unity in Christ.

The second GA took place in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) 1969 on the theme, “Working with Christ in Africa Today.”

The Third GA took place in Lusaka (Zambia) 1974 on the theme, “Living No Longer for Ourselves but for Christ”, 2 Corinthians 5: 14 – 15.

The Fourth GA took place in Nairobi (Kenya) 1981 on the theme, “Following in the Light of Jesus Christ”, John 8:12.

The Fifth GA took Place in Lomé (Togo) 1987 on the theme, “You shall be my Witnesses”, Acts 1:8.

The Sixth GA took place in Harare (Zimbabwe) 1992 on the theme, “Abundant Life in Jesus Christ”, John 10:10

The Seventh GA took place in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) 1997 on the theme, “Troubled but not Destroyed”, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9.

The Eighth GA took place in Yaoundé (Cameroon) 2003 on the theme, “Come Let Us Rebuild””, Nehemiah 2:17-18.

The Ninth GA took place in Maputo (Mozambique) 2008 on the theme, “Africa Step Forth in Faith”, John 11:43

The Tenth GA took place in Kampala (Uganda) 2013 on the theme, “God of Life, Lead Africa to Peace, Justice and Dignity”, Psalms 8: 1. It was during this time that the AACC celebrated its fiftieth anniversary.

The Eleventh GA took place in Kigali (Rwanda) 2018 on the theme, “Respecting the Dignity and God’s image in Every Human Being”, Genesis 1: 26 - 27

The 12th General Assembly took place in Abuja (Nigeria) 2023 on the theme: "The Love of Christ Compels Us," 2 Corinthians 5:14. During this GA, the AACC also celebrated its 60th Anniversary.

The next General Assembly is expected to take place in 2028. Its theme and venue are yet to be communicated.