With eleven programmatic focus areas, our current strategy ensures that churches and other Christian institutions in Africa significantly contribute to the realization of the Continental and Global sustainable development agendas such as the 17 SDGs and the AU Agenda 2063: “The Africa we Want.” Below are the eleven programmatic Focus areas;
1. Theology and Interfaith Relations
2. Ecclesial Leadership Development
3. Gender and Women
4. Sustainable Population Growth in Africa
5. Youth Participation in Church and Society
6. Ecological Justice
7. Economic Justice
8. Migration, Trafficking in Persons and Modern Slavery
9. Health and Healing
10. Peace in Africa
11. Advocacy and The African Union Office
The All Africa Conference of Churches discharges its functions through various organs which include the following:
The General Assembly is the Supreme Legislative Authority of the AACC and it ordinarily meets at five-year intervals. It is the largest policy and decision-making body if the AACC and it is composed of: The President, Five (5) Vice-Presidents, Representatives of the member churches and organizations. Other participants in the General Assembly are drawn from ecumenical partners, governments organizations and various civil society organizations. The General Assembly prescribes criteria for membership of the AACC, establishes policies and By-Laws, and elects the AACC President, Vice-Presidents and members of the General Committee. There have been 12th General Assemblies since the AACC was founded.
AACC’s General Committee is made up of not more than 35 voting members, elected by the General Assembly from among its own voting members, considering full participation of lay men, lay women and young people as well as geographical, linguistic and confessional considerations. For every elected member an alternate is also be elected. On addition to the elected members, not more than Seven (7) professionals are also co-opted by the General Committee to participate in its deliberations.
The General Committee fulfills its functions between the meetings of the General Assembly. Its functions include appointing the Executive Committee, Boards of Management and Registered Trustees, determining the number of official representatives each full member will have in the General Assembly giving due consideration to the size of the full member, preparing the Agenda of the General Assembly and appointing a Finance and Personnel Committee. The Committee may from time to time delegate specific functions to the Executive Committee, to other Boards, Commissions, Institutions and or ad-hoc committees that may be formed for specific functions as it may deem fit.
The Executive Committee consists the AACC Presidium (The President and vice presidents), six (6) other elected Members of the General Committee, six (6) Alternates, also elected by the General Committee from among its own voting members and the AACC General Secretary as an Ex Officio. The Executive Committee fulfills all its functions between the meetings of the General Committee. It is empowered to take decisions in the name of and on behalf of the General Committee within the framework of· the policies, programmes and budgetary provisions of the AACC already established by the General Assembly or the General Committee.
The Finance and Personnel committee is appointed by the General Committee to perform the following functions:
1.1. To formulates annual budget and a personnel policy for the AACC.
1.2. To secure availability of financial support to maintain the work of the AACC from: Membership fees, Grants, donations and legacies, Income from AACC’s Assets and investments, among others.
1.3. To ensure that AACC accounts are audited annually and the reports approved by the General Committee and disseminated to the AACC members.
1.5 Put in place transparent and appropriate mechanisms for the recruitment of senior Executive staff of the organization
The Committee consists of seven (7) members made up of four (4) elected voting members of the General Committee, one (1) person elected by the general committee because of his/her financial experience and ability and Two (2) co-opted members because of their financial experience and ability.
The General Secretariat comprises of the General Secretary, Directors, Senior Executive Staff, Office Personnel and any other staff appointed to serve in the AACC programmes and Missions unit or the business unit. The General Secretariat is responsible for conducting the business of the AACC through such Departments as may be established by the General Committee from time to time, nurturing and strengthening relations with member churches or other ecumenical bodies; interpreting the work of the AACC to the Churches and the Public; the preparation and administration of the Governance meetings, and General supervision and co-ordination of the activities and publications of the institutions and departments of the AACC. The ultimate responsibility of running the General Secretariat rests with the General Secretary.