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Past Events

08 novembre

Youth Consultation on addressing Mental Health and Drug Abuse

3:00-5:00pm EAT   -   Webinar
The rapidly increasing prevalence of mental health illnesses, substance use and abuse among adolescents and young adults is put
28 octobre

5th Annual Theological Symposium on Addressing Misleading Theologies

Through its Theology and Interfaith Relations unit, the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) is committed to providing a pl
21 octobre

National Youth Leaders Training of Trainers on Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Sustainable Families

  -   Sierra Leone
The All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), a dynamic ecumenical body representing over 200 million Christians across Africa,
07 octobre

High-Level Consultation on Migration, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery in Africa.

  -   Desmond Tutu Conference Centre
The AACC Regional Office Lomé and the AACC AU Liaison Office to the African Union are set to host a High-level Consultation on
30 septembre

Ecclesial Ethical Leadership Capacity Strengthening Course

The need for ethical leadership rooted in good corporate governance is increasingly being recognized as crucial for organizatio
26 août

Continental Capacity Strengthening and Review Roundtable of Africa Faith Actors Network for Climate Justice (AFAN-CJ)

The Africa Faith Actors Network for Climate Justice (AFAN-CJ) continues to grow in numbers, visibility, and recognition by key
14 août

Youth advocacy for Economic and Tax Justice at the 2024 SADC People’s Summit

Much as Africa is a continent richly endowed with natural resource, most of the African countries continue to lag behind in dev
30 avril
21 avril

Public Debt Research

05 février

Interfaith Roundtable Dialogue on Ending Femicide and other Forms of GBV in Kenya

09:00 EAT   -   Desmond Tutu Conference Centre (DTCC), Westlands, Nairobi-Kenya
The scale and magnitude of femicide are alarming. There is not a single day that we do not hear of reports of femicide.
05 décembre

Panel Discussion: From Policy to Practice

11:30   -   SE Room 7, Blue Zone at COP28, UAE
The discussion will highlight the urgent need to integrate ethical principles, human rights, and intergenerational justice into
04 décembre

Panel Discussion on the Vital Role of Faith Actors in Climate Justice

10:30   -   Faith Pavillion at COP28, UAE
This event has been organized in collaboration with Christian Aid at COP 28. 
01 décembre

Africa Faith Actors Network on Climate Justice (AFAN-CJ) at COP 28

  -   Dubai
The 28th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP28) will be held in Dubai, fr
18 novembre

12th General Assembly and 60th Anniversary

  -   National Christian Center, Abuja, Nigeria
The All Africa Conference of Churches was established in April 1963 in Kampala, Uganda, and will be celebrating its 12th Genera
16 novembre

Women’s Pre-assembly Meeting

  -   St. Matthias House, ABUJA-NIGERIA
All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) will hold its Twelfth General Assembly in Abuja Nigeria from 18th-23rd November 2023 (
16 novembre

Youth Pre-Assembly

  -   Methodist Church Cathedral, Abuja Nigeria.
AACC’s 12th General Assembly scheduled for 18th – 23rd November 2023, will occur at a time that marks 10 years of implementatio
08 novembre

AACC's 9th Theological Institute Officially Opened In Abuja, Nigeria

  -   Abuja, Nigeria
Instituted during the 9th General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique 2008, the All Africa Conference of Churches Theological instit
07 novembre

The 9th Ecumenical theological Institute

  -   Baptist Theological Seminary, Abuja – Nigeria
All Africa Conference of Churches invites young theologians (Theology students and practicing graduates in the ministry under 3
30 octobre

Ecumenical visit and consultation on the role of religious actors in fostering peace and promoting social cohesion in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

  -   Centre Rudolf of the Communauté Baptiste au Centre de l’Afrique in Goma-DRC
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been embroiled in civil wars and ethnic strife since independence.
17 octobre

Roundtable Dialogue on Construction of Masculinities and its Impact on Gender Justice

13:00 - 15:00   -   Abuja, Nigeria
The AACC 2019-2023 Strategic Plan has identified Gender, Women and Youth as one of its four programmatic pillars.
30 octobre


  -   Pentecostal Convention Center, Accra, Ghana
A peaceful and secure Africa requires an empowered generation of youth who are committed to the holistic transformation of thei